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Cara sukses mengikuti program HYIP

Cara sukses mengikuti program HYIP

Banyak orang berfikir negatif tentang cara menambah pendapatan melalui internet, segudang alasan akan mereka paparkan mengapa mereka tidak mau menggunakan kesempatan ini untuk menambah pendapatan mereka. Pada dasarnya semua itu dimulai dengan rasa takut yang berlebihan seperti kasus penipuan.
Selidik punya selidik ternyata ke engganan mereka tidak mau menambaha financial melalui internet ternyata tidak mengertinya mereka untuk memulai pekerjaan mencari uang dengan internet.

Kemajuan yang sangat berarti saat ini adalah adanya program HYIP/high yield investment program=program investasi yang memeberi keuntungan yang tinggi. Harus diketahui tingginya tingkat pengembalian yang dijanjikan pengelola tentu di sertai dengan tingginya tingkat resiko, skor 1: 1 (masuk akal).
Saya juga harus mengakui begitu banyaknya investor yang kehilangan pendapatan bahkan modal dalam mengikuti program HYIP karena disebakan SCAM.

Takut akan kejadian seperti diatas, sebenarnya ada beberapa usaha yang harus dilakukan :

1. Keinginan yang kuat pada seorang calon investor untuk sukses harus sudah mendasar dihatinya.
2. Memiliki sedikit keterampilan browsing internet. Keluarkan ide-ide cemerlang anda untuk browsing,
    seperti mengetik kata kunci di address bar search  engine google atau yang lainnya.
    Untuk mengetahui kredibilitas program yang ditawarkan, tentu 3 tindakan diatas perlu dilaksanakan
4. Untuk SIGNUP anda tidak perlu takut, apabila suatu waktu program yang anda ikuti ternyata tidak
    sesuai dengan keinginan anda, maka tinggal anda biarkan saja alias anda jangan signin lagi,
    selesai ketakutan anda.
5. Berainlah mengiktui kata hati anda, maksudnya anda tidak perlu terburu-buru dalam berinvestasi,
    bermainlah dari uang yang tidak bergerak, pasif atau nganggur. Inves-lah dari yang kecil sambil anda
    belajar mahir dalam mengikuti program yang ditawarkan.
6. Bergabunglah dengan grup member yang bermain di program yang anda ikuti. Tahap awal
    dalam member grup anda hanya memantau saja, jangan berkomentar dulu. Apabila anda dalam
    menjalankan  program HYIP ada masalah, silahkan anda lihat apakah ada anggota grup yang
    memiliki masalh seperti yang anda alami, kalau ada bacalah dengan cermat agar anda dapat
    mengambil keputusan selanjutnya.

Keputusan untuk bergabung bersama salah satu program HYIP adalah awal kesuksesaan anda saat ini, mengapa demikian. Karena sudah banyak saudara-saudara kita yang sukses setelah mengikuti program HYIP yang bernama PROFITCLICKING, saat ini member Indonesia yang telah bergabung dan menikmati profit hariannya sekitar 50.000 member. Kalau saya sendiri sejak bergabung dan mulai melakukan action di bulan September 2012, saat ini sudah memperoleh profit harian sebesar US$ 80 setiap hari.
Saat ini juga banyak member dari Indonesia yang mengikuti program HYIP yang bakal menyaingi profitclicking diatas, sampai-sampai peneyelenggarannya mengklaim bahwa mereka bukan slah satu dari HYIP, mereka adalah perusahaan yang didukung dengsn segala sesuatu yang kuat dan stabil serta ingin selalu eksis dalam menjalankan program ini secara terus menerus. Program ini terkenal dengan sebutan  AVO INC. Bayak teman-teman yang menikmati keuntungan dari AVO INC, sebagai infonya ada yang menerima US$ 500 s/d 3.000 setiap hari. Kalau saya sendiri baru bergabung dan saat ini sudah menerima US $ 22 setiap hari.

Ok untuk teman yang baru mulai bergabung, sedikit info dari saya sebaiknya kedua program di atas layak anda ikuti agar semua investasi anda AMAN.

Untuk info lebih lengkap lihat PANDUAN-nya disini atau anda dapat bergabung bersama Avo Inc di sini. atau ingin bergabung bersama profitclicking disini.

Cara menghilangkan autoreadmomre, readmore

Cara Menghilangkan AUTOREADMORE atau READMORE

Sebenarnya sudah lama saya mencari postingan "cara menghilangkan autoreadmore atau readmore" sebelumnya saya coba trik para master untuk memenuhi keinginan saya ini, tapi banyak gagal. Kegagalan ini disebabkan mungkin adanya perbedaan script codenya dari setiap template. Perubahan tampilan template hanyalah sebagai penyesuaian terhadap keinginan pribadi agar tampil beda dengan yang lainnya bahkan penyesuaian terhadap trik SEO agar menghasilkan kecepatan loading  atau dengan kata lain "blog faster search engine" bahkan berusaha untuk tidak bisa dicopy baik gaya template maupun isinya atau dengan istilah "article/post can not be copied".
Cukup lama juga googling yang saya lakukan dan akhirnya saya menemukan blog cerdas dan langsung saya terapkan diblog saya yang lainnya, ternyata berhasil.
Dengan postingan kali ini saya mohon maaf atas ketidak nyamanannya, semua ini saya lakukan hanyalah ingin memodifikasi tampilan template saya serta sebagai dokumen saya untuk dimasa yang akan datang.

Nah, kiranya kalau ada teman yang ingin tahu cara menghilangkan autoreadmoe pada template, kiranya dapat mengujungi blog cerdas tersebut atau kalau mau langsung teman bisa mempelajari di blog ini. Adapun cara menghilangkan autoreadmore  adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Jangan lupa backup total template anda secara full
2. Silahkan login ke dasboard blog anda, klik HTML  dan tandai kotak Expand Widget Template
3. Cari code script berikut ini atau yang mirip seperti ini : (Gunakan ctrl F untuk mencari dengan cepat)

4. Jika sudah ketemu, silahkan hapus sript kode tersebut dan kemudian anda ganti dengan script kode
    seperti dibawah ini.

5. Silahkan anda klik PREVIEW, kalau tidak galat silahkan anda klik "save template.

Selamat mencoba semoga berhasil.

Cara Mendaftar di Profitclicking


1. Klik gambar dibawah ini, maka secara otomatis anda akan terdaftar sebagai FREE MEMBER.
    (Agar cepat aksesnya, sebaiknya saat anda mau mendaftar gunakan account gmail saja) cara mendaftar di prKLIK DISINI UNTUK MENDAFTAR ACCOUNT GMAIL

2. Kemudian akan muncul gambar seperti dibawah ini, kemudian anda Klik "JOIN AND GET PAID
    yang berwarna merah kemudian akan muncul "FORM PENDAFTARAN PROFITCLICKING"

Anda sebaiknya mengklik "JOIN AND GET PAID ", tujuannya agar saat anda resmi menjadi member di Profit clicking porfit harian anda sebesar 2% setiap hari SENIN - JUMAT dan profit 1,5% setiap hari SABTU - MINGGU dapat anda terima setelah anda setiap harinya melihat 3 iklan yang diwajibkan oleh profitclicking.

3. Kemudian anda dihadapkan dengan formulir pendaftaran, dan isi form tersebut dengan benar agar segala
    sesuatu yang berhungan dengan bisnis anda berjalan lancar.

4. Isikan form tersebut dengan benar. cara mendaftar di profitclicking
    1. First name : Diisi dengan nama depan anda.
    2. Last name : Diisi dengan nama belakang anda.
    3. Email  : Diisi dengan email yang dibuat diatas.
    4. Email Confirm : Diisi sama dengan email diatas.
    5. Password : Diisi dengan password yang anda sukai (kuat dan mudah untuk diingati).
    6. Security PIN kode : Diisi dengan 4-5 digit angka (jangan lupa karena untuk proses withdraw
        atau menarik profit harian 2% anda).
    7. Security PIN code : Diisi dengan PIN security diatas.

5. Setelah anda selesai dan meyakini isi formulir pendaftaran anda benar, kemudian anda klik I AGREE

6. Terahir klik JOIN NOW

note : 
Jangan lupa mencatat data anda ditempat yang aman, apabila anda lupa suatu saat dapat anda gunakan.

Kemudian untuk yang kedua kalinya, silahkan anda cek data diatas dengan teliti. Kalau sudah benar silahkan
anda KLIK " I Agree " kemudian anda KLIK " JOIN AND GET PAID ".

Sekarang kunjungi kemudian buka email anda yang telah anda isi di form pendaftaran tadi untuk proses verifikasi email anda. Buka email INBOOK anda (jika tidak ada buka
di email INBOOK dan buka folder SPAM.
Setelah ditemukan silahkan anda klik "TEKS LINK TERSEBUT" maka anda akan menjumpai kalimat

 Mari belajar bersama untuk FINANCIAL KITA 
di masa depan


Make Money Online by JUSTBEENPAID



JSS Tripler Just Been Paid

Justbeenpaid merupakan peluang bisnis online atau peluang usaha rumahan terbaik dan terpercaya sejak tahun 2004, dan sub program Justbeenpaid JSS Tripler merupakan peluang bisnis investasi online terpercaya dan terpopuler di dunia sejak 2011 yang disertai oleh sekitar 1.486.994 member dari berbagai benua seperti Amerika, Eropa, Afrika, Australia dan Asia.

Justbeenpaid JSS Tripler didukung program Restart Feature (RSF) Anti Scam yang tidak dimiliki peluang bisnis lain di dunia saat ini dan RSF telah terbukti mejadikan JustBeenPaid tetap eksis hingga sekarang bahkan bisnis Justbeenpaid JSS-Tripler semakin populer.

Di Indonesia sendiri peluang bisnis JSS Tripler belum banyak diketahui atau belum banyak difahami oleh masyarakat awam sehingga masyarakat masih wait and see atau ragu-ragu, akan tetapi bagi aktivis bisnis online Indonesia, peluang bisnis Justbeenpaid JSS-Tripler disambut dengan keyakinan yang luar biasa. Bahkan jumlah member JSS Tripler dari seluruh Indonesia hingga saat ini sudah mencapai 30.861 member.

Berdasarkan berbagai kekuatan bisnis JBP, saya dapat pastikan dalam waktu dekat peluang usaha bisnis investasi online JSS Tripler akan menjadi pilihan utama masyarakat Indonesia mulai dari pejabat, direktur, manajer, dokter, pegawai negeri sipil (pns), karyawan swasta, guru, pemain MLM, mahasiswa, ibu rumah tangga, pensiunan, pedagang atau siapa saja pasti akan memburu dan join di bisnis Justbeenpaid JSS Tripler.
Oleh karenya, hadir untuk memandu Anda yang MAU investasi di peluang bisnis online terbaik JSS Tripler Justbeenpaid.

Mengapa Investasi JSS Tripler Justbeenpaid?

1. JSS Tripler Memiliki Konsep Bisnis Yang Sempurna sebuah perusahaan advertising online berkantor di Amerika Serikat telah mendesign JSS Tripler dengan konsep yang sempurna; powerfull dan didukung program Restart Feature yang telah terbukti mampu membuat bisnis Justbeenpaid dan JSS Tripler bertahan dan semakin populer hingga sekarang.

2. JSS Tripler Diremomendasikan oleh Para Pakar Bisnis Online Level Dunia
JSS Tripler merupakan peluang bisnis online terbaik, terpercaya, terpopuler di dunia yang direkomendasikan oleh 50 juta situs lebih di
JSS Tripler JustBeenPaid (JBP) telah diakui kalangan Internet Marketer dunia sebagai sebuah bisnis yang indefinitely sustainable yakni bisnis yang akan terus berkembang secara berkesinambungan tanpa batas dengan Profit Pasti 300% dalam waktu singkat!

3. Bisnis JSS Tripler Dilindungi Hak Patent 
Sebagai peluang bisnis investasi online yang dirancang untuk jangka panjang, maka owner Mr. Frederick Mann, telah mendaftarkan dan program terkait lainnya termasuk JSS-Tripler, JBP Sinergi Surf (JSS), serta program Justbeenpaid Restart Feature (RSF) ke kantor Hak Patent Pemerintah Amerika Serikat dengan Nomor: 6.578.010. Anda bisa cek di google via link berikut:

4. JSS Tripler Memberi Profit Yang Wajar Yakni 2% perhari (Senin - Jum'at) - 1.5% (Saptu dan Minggu)
Bersama JSS Tripler Anda bisa mendapatkan profit investasi / penghasilan yang lumayan besar tiap hari, Tanpa Merekrut, Tanpa Kerja Keras, Tanpa Was-was jika Justbeenpaid Scam atau JSS Tripler Scam. Tugas Anda hanya mengunjungi website Justbeenpaid JSS Tripler login, setiap malam, cek profit, tersenyum, kemudian withdraw profit atau compound..!

5. Web Conference setiap Hari
Anda bisa bicara langsung dengan owner di acara web conference Justbeenpaid. Mereka ingin melayani semua member Read More...

6. Merupakan Solusi bagi 98% Pebisnis Online yang GAGAL di Bisnis Online
Skema Bisnis Online HYIP memberi keuntungan 2% kepada member, tetapi 98% lainnya sebaliknya. Di Justbeenpaid, 98% membernya bisa memperoleh keuntungan karena sistem yang sustainable

7. Cara Paling Mudah Mendapatkan Penghasilan di Internet
Dari Indonesia Anda bisa memulai menjalankan Justbeenpaid tanpa MODAL karena begitu Anda mendaftar JSS Tripler Justbeenpaid langsung mendapatkan FREE BONUS $10, saat Anda telah merasakan hasilnya dan PERCAYA, Anda boleh menambah atau membeli posisi baru Anda sesuai dengan kemampuan.

8. Tidak Perlu Merekrut
Meskipun Anda hanya membeli sejumlah posisi tanpa harus merekrut member, penghasilan Anda dari Justbeenpaid tetap bisa berlipat-lipat dengan cara menggunakan sistem "compounding".

9. Team Support Yang Profesional
Justbeenpaid mempunyai staff manajemen lebih dari 20 orang, mulai dari webmaster, marketing dan ahli-ahli dalam bidang skema jaringan yang telah berpengalaman selama bertahun-tahun Read More...

10. Justbeenpaid Jelas PALING TAHAN LAMA
Sejarah selalu berulang, kebanyakan PROGRAM HYIP lama-lama akan menghilang dan uang member lenyap begitu saja. Kami (JUSTBEENPAID) telah menemukan sebuah Sistem yang paling Aman dan Satu-satunya (sepanjang pengetahuan kami hingga saat ini).

11. TANTANGAN Senilai $1 JUTA
Bagi Anda yang skeptis, Owner JUSTBEENPAID dan team begitu percaya diri hingga berani memberikan TANTANGAN kepada Anda. TANTANGAN ini bernilai $1 JUTA bagi yang bisa menemukan kelemahan dari sistem Justbeenpaid secara hitungan matematis.

12. COMPOUND Setiap Hari
Anda bisa membeli posisi dari profit atau bonus Anda setiap hari untuk melipatgandakan penghasilan Anda di JUSTBEENPAID.

13. WITHDRAWAL Setiap Hari
Anda bisa melakukan WITHDRAWAL atau menarik profit atau bonus Anda setiap hari. Minimal withdrawal $20. Proses transfer Anda akan dilakukan dalam waktu 24-36 jam.

14. BONUS Referral Yang Besar
Jika Anda mensponsori member baru, Anda akan mendapatkan komisi atau Bonus Referral 10% dari level 1 dan 5% dari level 2 Anda.

15. Pertumbuhan RANKING Website yang Pesat
Website justbeenpaid berada dalam 2000 besar website dunia. Ini bisa anda cek melalui ALEXA.


"Saya bergabung JustBeenPaid (JBP) pada 3 Agustus 2011 Aku ingat hari ini karena ini hari ulang anak saya.. Awalnya, saya dimasukkan ke dalam $ 1.000, kemudian, kemudian, saya dimasukkan ke dalam lain $ 7.000 lebih dari uang saya sendiri. Lancar saya 2% . pendapatan dari SLTP-Tripler, diambil dari back office saya: $ 55,863.60 SLTP Lalu Lintas JBP-Ku Penukaran back office menunjukkan bahwa saya telah bersepeda 127 matriks - penghasilan saya $ 7.620 kotor Rata-rata, saya siklus sekitar 2 matriks sehari, penghasilan saya $ 120. kotor saya menghabiskan sekitar $ 50 -. ". Upgrade Premium" $ 60 hari tentang "Penempatan" dan Jika Anda memberitahu saya sehari, saya dapat melihat back office saya dan berdasarkan berapa banyak "Premi" yang dibeli, saya dapat memberitahu Anda bagaimana matriks banyak saya akan siklus pada hari tertentu. Saya juga bekerja dengan orang di downline matriks saya untuk mempercepat hal-hal bersama. matriks JSS adalah cara tercepat untuk menghasilkan uang besar dan saya melakukan yang terbaik untuk membantu downline saya untuk menjadi lebih sukses. Tim saya sekarang adalah setidaknya 300 orang dan sekitar 100 adalah referral langsung saya Saat ini saya melakukan satu-satu sesi Skype dengan arahan saya untuk mengajar mereka bagaimana siklus matriks mereka.. Itu membuat saya senang melihat orang membuat uang. Saya sedang salah satu orang yang paling bergairah tentang JBP antara ribuan anggota! "

"Saya Kehilangan JOB terakhir saya sebagai groundskeeper untuk pembangunan perumahan mahasiswa pada Mei 2009. Saya mengumpulkan Kompensasi Pengangguran dan pada pencarian konstan untuk JOB lain ... aku pindah dari apartemen lantai dua saya dan pindah bersama orang tua saya. Saya menemukan JBP menjelang akhir 2010, mendaftar sebagai anggota gratis menelusuri info dan terlihat seperti BANYAK dan saya menghapus akun saya (Sangat Bodoh saya tahu). Kemudian saya terlibat dalam MLM tradisional pada Januari 2011 sementara masih mencari untuk cerita JOB Singkat, saya membuat sekitar $ 300 - $ 400 dalam waktu 4 bulan sebelum runtuh dan aku meninggalkan Kemudian pada Mei kompensasi Pengangguran saya habis.. saya menemukan JBP LAGI dan waktu INI punggung saya adalah dinding sehingga aku berkata, "Aku akan membuat karya ini tidak peduli apa yang harus saya lakukan!" belajar saya selama berjam-jam sehari setiap hari. saya memiliki $ 20 per minggu dari adikku untuk gas untuk membantunya menjalankan tugas (karena ia tidak mengarahkan ) Saya menaruh $ 5 -. $ 10 dalam tangki bensin saya dan hanya tidak pergi ke mana pun tidak perlu atau aku berjalan Sisa uang itu masuk ke SLTP-Tripler saya bekerja pada mempromosikan website afiliasi saya di mana-mana aku bisa gratis saya menghabiskan... total sekitar $ 60 -. $ 70 dan diperparah semua komisi referral Hari ini, setelah hanya 10 bulan, sekarang saya mendapatkan sedikit lebih dari penghasilan ganda online apa bulanan saya dari JOB terakhir saya dihasilkan untuk saya 3/4 bagian yaitu dari JBP sendirian ".

Bagaimana Anda Mendapatkan Penghasilan dari JSS Tripler JBP?
Program Bisnis Justbeenpaid /Jss Tripler Meyediakan 2 (dua) sumber Profit yakni Profit Pasif dan Profit Aktif.

1. Profit Pasif
Untuk mendapatkan profit pasti (Pasif) dari program bisnis JSS-Tripler JustBeenPaid, caranya sangat mudah hanya dengan 3 (tiga) langkah sederhana yakni: Mendaftar, dan Membeli sejumlah Posisi (sejenis saham) JSS Tripler! Selaku investor pasif Anda hanya akan menerima penghasilan dari profit harian.
Harga 1 Posisi = $ 10
Setiap 1 Posisi yang And beli akan diberi profit hingga 2 % ($ 0.2) perhari atau 60% per bulan selama 81 hari.
Profit dapat dicairkan setiap hari. Tidak perlu menunggu satu Minggu atau Akhir bulan.
Anda bisa beli Posisi tambahan kapan saja.
Setiap Posisi yang Anda beli berlaku 81 hari terhitung sejak tanggal pembelian.

Contoh Perhitungan Profit Pasif:
Besarnya Profit yang akan Anda terima, tergantung dengan Jumlah Posisi yang Anda beli:
Harga 1 Posisi = $ 10 USD
Anda Membeli 50 Posisi = 50 x $10 USD = $500 ( Modal )
Setiap 1 Posisi yang Anda miliki, mendapat Profit 2% per hari ( $10 x 2% = $ 0.2 ).
Jumlah Profit untuk 50 Posisi = 50 Posisi x $ 0.2 = $10 per hari.
Selama 81 hari = $ 10 x 81 hari = $ 810.

Contoh Lainnya:
Beli 1 Posisi $10 USD = Profit $ 0,2 perhari X 81 hari = $16.2
Beli 10 Posisi $100 USD = Profit $ 2 perhari X 81 hari = $162
Beli 100 Posisi $1.000 USD = Profit $ 20 perhari X 81 hari = $1.620
Beli 150 Posisi $1.500 USD = Profit $ 30 perhari X 81 hari = $2.430
Beli 1.000 Posisi $10.000 USD = Profit $ 200 perhari X 81 hari = $16.200
Anda masih bisa meningkatkan profit harian Anda dengan cara Compound (membeli posisi lagi) menggunakan sebagian atau seluruh profit harian Anda.
Untuk perhitungan yang lebih akurat. Silakan Anda Hitung Profit Anda dengan JSS Tripler Calculator berikut: Calculator JSS Tripler JustBeenPaid

Nilai Investasi Anda SANGAT menentukan Hasil atau Profit yang akan Anda peroleh baik per hari maupun per bulan.
Jika Anda hanya investasi $10 menggunakan FREE Bonus atau Modal Sendiri, maka Sulit bagi Anda untuk mendapatkan Profit yang besar.
Jika Anda MAU Sukses Investasi Minimal $520, lakukan Compount setiap hari hingga waktu tertentu.
Atau Anda Investasi sebesar $2000, atau $3000, atau $4000, atau $5000 dstnya. Maka Anda akan mendapatkan Profit harian yang Besar dan dalam waktu singkat Anda akan meraih Sukses sebagaimana yang diraih oleh para Top 20 Penghasilan Terbesar di Justbeenpaid.

2. Profit Aktif
Selain mendapatkan penghasilan pasif dari profit 2 % di atas, Anda masih bisa mendapatkan income tambahan yang lebih besar lagi bahkan tanpa batas, dengan syarat melakukan Upgrade Level  sebelum melakukan pembelian posisi yang pertama kali.

Sebagai upgrade member Anda bisa mengajak (merekrut) orang lain untuk bergabung di program JSS-Tripler.
Atas prestasi rekrutan Anda, JSS-Tripler akan memberikan Bonus-bonus sebagai berikut:
Bonus Referal 10 % Level 1 dan 5% Level 2 dari setiap pembelian posisi yang dilakukan jaringan referal Anda;
Setiap posisi yang habis kontrak pada hari ke 81, tidak lagi mendapat profit harian 2% tapi mendapat bonus di program lain JSS Matrix 2x2;
Setiap 4 posisi yang telah habis kontrak mendapat bonus 1 JSS Matrix 2x2;
Setiap 1 posisi JSS Matrix 2x2 terdiri dari 6 slot, dan jika telah terisi penuh disebut cycle, Anda akan mendapat bonus $60 per posisi.
Untuk penjelasan detil, silakan klik disini untuk menuju web sumbernya

Jangan Tunda Lagi!
Perkaya Diri Anda di Peluang Bisnis Terpopuler ini..!
Bergabunglah Bersama Tim Sukses Kami!


informasi selengkapnya :

sebagai uji coba untuk menjadi member di justbeenpaid
Teknik Dahsyat yang didapat setelah mengikuti conference ELITE TEAM GROUP
 tempat yang terpecaya dan petunjuk bagi anda dalam membeli posisi di justbeenpaid
bagi anda dalam membeli posisi dengan menggunakan LIBERTY RESERVE
 Cara mengambil keuntungan JBP/JSS-Tripler dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap.
Yang berikutnya menukar dollar Liberty Reserve ke Rupiah via Exchange  atau   anda dapat langsung
     menukar dollar anda ke Bank lokal Indonesia. 

How to make the link open in a text area on the posting

Creating an article if it is inserted there is a less interesting variation. To make an interesting article, we need to insert the latest info, (the text content can be anything or do you look for when browsing, the presence of link text aims to attract the attention of the reader) and continues to connect the link text is often referred to as open or open the link. Display posts like this seem to be attractive and make the search engines will respond to an article posted to a posting articles indexed quickly search engine.. To see its preview please click here

The work to be done as follows:
1. Please log into your blogger dashboard, the position in the compose view, then make an interesting article as usual.
2. After you finish writing, please click the HTML view, once open please copy and paste the following script code into it.

- URL : Http:// URL please copy and paste the URL you want to go.
- Hot-Football-News-Spain you please replace the title text you like.
- Border you please replace if you want to use the other.
- Background-color: please adjust to your taste

3. Please click save, then see the results

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Make Money Online by Your Facebook

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Make money online by optimizing your facebook will feel exciting. Take advantage of fans, friends, even the chatting you to add a lucrative income from the various program concepts to Make Money Online. This is not action that could harm you, even this is an action that ultimately makes you calm in facing your retirement. Immediately optimize your FACEBOOK, do not let this golden opportunity in preceded fans and friends.

Berita Hot Sepakbola Spanyol
Dalam wawancara dengan Ara, presiden Barcelona, Sandro Rosell, mengaku tidak berteman dengan presiden klub rival, Real Madrid, Florentino Perez. "Saya bukan teman Florentino. Saya punya empat atau lima teman dalam hidup saya, tidak lebih," aku Rosell. Ini bukan pertama kalinya Rosell mengeluarkan komentar kontroversial sepekan ini, sebelumnya dia mengklaim La Liga Spanyol musim lalu "aneh" karena Blaugrana harus finis di posisi kedua, di bawah Los Blancos.

VALENTINO ROSSI and JORGE LORENZO who rivals them in the future
Pebalap Ducati, Valentino Rossi, yakin bahwa bintang muda Spanyol, Marc Marquez, memiliki potensi yang sangat besar untuk menjadi seorang juara dunia MotoGP. Pasalnya, Marquez sudah memperlihatkan kemampuannya dalam persaingan di ajang Moto2. Tak cuma Rossi yang memberikan pujian dan prediksi terhadap masa depan Marquez. Pebalap Yamaha, Jorge Lorenzo, juga mengakui bahwa mantan juara dunia kelas 125 cc tersebut bakal menjadi rival berat karena kompatriotnya ini akan selalu bersaing di barisan depan. Marquez akan melakukan debutnya di kelas premier pada musim 2013 bersama tim Repsol Honda. Kepastian tersebut dibuat menjelang berlangsungnya GP Italia pada akhir pekan ini di Sirkuit Mugello, saat Marquez menandatangani kontrak berdurasi dua tahun sehingga dia akan menjadi tandem rekan senegaranya, Dani Pedrosa.

  • To People Who Want to Make Money Blogging on the internet
    Salah satu cara termudah untuk membuat uang online adalah melalui blogging. Orang-orang memahami apa blog adalah, mereka memiliki harapan tertentu dari mereka dan, karena itu, jika Anda ingin membuat uang sebagai blogger, Anda harus memahami apa yang audiens yang membaca blog mengharapkan dari Anda. Sekarang pertanyaannya muncul: "Apakah Anda memenuhi syarat untuk membuat uang blogging?" Blog sering diperbarui. Jika Anda tidak bersedia untuk meng-update blog Anda sering, Anda tidak akan membuat uang dari itu. Ini sesederhana itu. Jika Anda sedang mencari cara untuk membuat uang tanpa melakukan pekerjaan apapun, blogging adalah bukan untuk Anda. Blogging adalah juga tentang interaksi sosial, meskipun aspek itu adalah sedikit berbeda dari apa yang kebanyakan orang menganggap jejaring sosial menjadi hari ini. Fungsi sosial di blog seringkali dapat diintegrasikan dengan situs media sosial, bagaimanapun, sesuatu yang akan dibahas secara lebih rinci nanti.
  • How to easily verify paypal
    Saya penunjuk sedikit menggosok pagi ini dan berpikir saya akan berbagi konten sisa "Online Money" folder saya. Untuk memperingatkan Anda, ada beberapa hal yang saya tidak suka dan tidak pernah jadi penunjuk: Apa yang TIDAK termasuk: Mengambil Survei Dibayar, Getting Paid to Surf Internet, MLM, Situs Contest, "Beli DVD, CD, Audiobook", dll . Apa IS meliputi: Hal yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk secara sah membuat uang online - Semuanya dari DIBAYAR untuk meninjau perangkat lunak untuk ole baik 'Adsense.
  • 11 Lessons I Learned Earning $119,725.45 from Amazon Associates Program
    I have earned $119,725.45 from Amazon Associates Program since I began using it as a way to make money online late in 2003. Around half of that amount was made within the last 12 months. In this post I want to share what I’ve learned along the way on how to make money with Amazon. While Amazon’s Associates program is not my largest income stream (I rank how I make money blogging here) it was actually the first experiment that I did with monetizing blogs. I began to experiment with it in the last quarter of 2003 (just before I started using AdSense). I started using it on a personal blog that had been going for around 12 months and had around a thousand readers a day – the first quarter was not spectacular in terms of earnings – I made $31.80 (around 30 cents a day) and almost gave it away. I’m glad I stuck with it – here’s a chart of the quarterly earnings since the last quarter of 2003 (note, it doesn’t include July or August of this year as that’s an incomplete quarter so the overall figures from this period is below the $119k figure mentioned above):
  • Register Domain Name strategy for website

    Register Domain Name Strategy and All its Profits to Website   powered by Mypagerankcheck

    As a first step to that website can be indexed by search engines is to "Register Domain Name" to search engines, like google, yahoo, bing, and others. Register Domain Name is needed if all things are contained in a website like published and eventually all of the information contained therein can be used by visitors to your website.
    If you have a website, given the reputation you take action immediately register domain name to google search engine and forwarded to the search engine Yahoo, Bing or the other.
    To register domain name to google, please visit then you just forward all his orders, or to lead you register a domain name please visit here. As for how to register domain name to the Yahoo search engine and you just visit (to register domain name in yahoo and bing, you should be approved quickly so use windowslife account) then please forward orders.

    As a first step to that website can be indexed by search engines is to "register domain name" to search engines, like google, yahoo, bing, and others. Register Domain Name is needed if all things are contained in a website like published and eventually all of the information contained therein can be used by visitors to your website.
    If you have a website, given the reputation you take action immediately register domain name to google search engine and forwarded to the search engine Yahoo, Bing or the other.

    There are several Register Domain Name to be done:
    1. Register Domain Name to google, please visit then you just forward all his orders, or to lead you register domain name please visit here. After making the above measures should register domain name into and
    2. Register domain name into a search engine Yahoo and Bing you live visit (to register domain name in yahoo and bing, you should be approved quickly so use windowslife account) then please forward command -ordered.
    3. Regsiter Domain Name to the Alexa Rank.
    4. Register Domain Name to Technorati.
    5. Register Domain Nmae to social bookmarking.

    Advantages of Register Domain Name is as follows:
    1. In order for the search engine indexed website, please visit an article on "blog search engine faster" or "How to effectively improve or increase Google PRUsing the Template SEO Friendly blog to increase Goolge PR.
    2. Increase Google PR ranking website. Use metatags for SEO friedly complete website.
    3. Increase website traffic is correlated with Alexa Rank your Website. The case was peeled completely in the "How to Increase Alexa Traffic Rank blog to raise".
    4. Improve the selling website.
    5. Attracted the attention of advertisers to serve ads on your website.
    6. Your website can increase revenue by Make Money Online. o you see how the 18-year-old children have an income of thousands of dollars from the website and really admire the master blogger in the world, to create a blog "Make Money Online".
    This article would be beneficial to us all, and for those who want to apply do it smarter and wiser. I hope you may succeed.

    Make Money Online, List of PTR that can be trusted

    Make Money Online, List of PTR that can be trusted

    When I was quite interested blogwalking read an article that discusses about Make Money Online, and more specifically, the article is to inform the names of the sites according to the observations can be trusted to be his publisher. Actually I myself was not so good at managing a site to be a good publisher website. Seeing many of his fellow bloggers can run it and get extra income by Make Money Online program, I finally tried to make this blog, which will specialize only in the site to be seuah Make Money Online.

    adsense-adchoine.blogspot in his article to make a list of PTR (Paid To Review) blogger or more trusted to make a list of sponsors detainya her best reviews, though the article is not completely peeled but quite informative. However, for preliminary information to make decisions for you in running the site Make Money Online program can be used as a reference.

    If you want to clear land for the site Make Money Online, at least have a good Alexa Rank value, especially in tunjang with Google PR rank. Both of these assessments should have a website even though in reality when blogwalking, many sites with just a good Alexa Rank into google adsene publisher, is a tough job and very tiring, because you should be in tunjang sites with high levels of SEO techniques and even fewer in implimentasikan with SEO tricks. As a simple and extremely cheap, SEO techniques you can launch your own, such as :

    1. Creating metatags well by targeting a specific keyword or you can make use of seo friendly metatag that has been tested and many of the bloggers posted. This blog only use SEO Friendly Templates, see the complete peeling in applying it in your blog. Resulting in a faster penerpannya to make the blog search engine. Sometimes the power of blogs that have been shaped to be the master blogger even "post article can not be copied" alias can not copy and paste the article, perhaps it is as a whip for a newbie like me, to always study hard.

    2. Using a template that is lightweight and has SEO usually called SEO Friendly Templates, Template even this has been shared by many blogger friend, try this template was tested, such as B SEO V2 template is shared by bamz. To test just it browse please, then you type in the address bar "post article can not be copied" you see the search results page, so amazing.

    3. Verify your blog in various search engines. As a first step verification to Google, Yahoo, Bing and Technorati is enough.

    4. Submit your blog to social bookmarking.

    5. Quickly build SEO Onpage and SEO Offpage, within a certain time this technique is really promising to build a power of your blog.

    6. This is very serious and important for your blog. Make quality content even though the contents a bit disconnected, the important 70% editorial style your own language. The sixth is just a decoy so that one sapai 5 techniques can work well.

    On this occasion I will pass the information from that site, simply to widen the range of information for bloggers who made ​​the site as a farm to supplement their income with online.

    Review the list of sponsors:
    Review the best current sponsor is the most and biggest advertiser base. You will get an advertiser in a small amount of time you list your blog to their database. You can also bid on a variety of opportunities created by the advertisers. There is no minimum payout at You will get paid twice a month if you use PayPal as a payment processor.
    Sponsor Review of second-best list is By registering at ReviewMe site you can also make a decent amount of money. ReviewMe pays the first week of every month through PayPal and check. As for the PayPal payment no threshold amount, while the payment via Check the minimum payment is $ 25.
    To the concept of PPP / PayPerPost Bloggers appear at the end of 2009 in December. This for registration problems quite easily and instantly approved. To verify the approval of your blog, you need to publish in your blog post that contains a unique sentence, while the amount of payment sebsear Payout $ 50.
    Sponsor This is a system that works the same review as the sponsor. The minimum payment amount is $ 50.

    The fourth site above is the opinion he is the kings of Review Paid market. To expand the business network to improve and strengthen the program Make Money Online on your site, not hurt you for visiting and studying some of the sites. This action is an effective way to study comparative to the decision to partner with sites that provide services publisher is not the wrong choice and not much wasting your time. Here are some names that you can visit sites such as:


    Happy hunting for Earning Dollars Online

    The way that article / post can not be copied

    powered by Mypagerankcheck The way that article / post can not be copied

    Having a good quality articles like SEO techniques which are always accompanied by his script code will always be looking for bloggers with a view to diimplimentasikan to his blog. However, this script code in the world of bloggers to copy paste and spread the problem has become a common activity in the world of bloggers. Seeing this condition is sometimes there are some bloggers who do not allow copy and paste the article is taken up by other bloggers.

    We must recognize that we have many parallels with the world of bloggers who blog master host. I am very proud to see the power of the master blogger Indonesia. Well, if you want to do Blogwalking, many standard blog look out there, I do not, or why, sometimes a lot of blogs that do not have a Google PR or as they are less creative. Well when compared with the world blogger Indonesia, display templates, blog content, blogger tricks that are used to form a colorful SEO. These conditions make Indonesia the growth of the blogging world very well. Success for the Master Blogger Indonesia.

    Actually, the positive and negative for bloggers who do not allow copy and paste the article. One positive impact is the increased traffic blog, you should increase your blog traffic should be balanced with "blog search engine faster" your blog, so as to give effect to the Google PR and Alexa Rank. While the negative impact of the blog visitors will eventually calm down, more extreme that it sometimes gets commentar not build. That is why in the world of bloggers, because the two effects, the bloggers always have good judgment, despite the severe conditions such important information code allows the owner finally made ​​to copy and paste notes include a link to the original source. Well this is where the soul of bloggers with all the courage and ethics to build the world of blogging, to make a link to the original source.

    For those of you who do not want to copy and paste the article in the alias in the trace, you can add a bit of script code in your blog. Whatever steps are as follows  :

    1. Login to your dashboard.
    2. Click to go to send the list.
    3. Click the Template and then proceed to click on Edit HTML and then click Process.
       (do not forget to check Expand Widget Templates).
    4. Please find the code  <head>
    5. If you find the above code, then copy and paste the code below right above it.
    6. Click Preview, 
    7. If there is no problem, then you click save.

    As further consideration, please visit  :

    How to make a Comment Reply on the post page

    How to make a Comment Reply  on the post page    powered by Mypagerankcheck

    One way to
    blog faster search engine is not only always apply SEO techniques, such as using Template SEO Friendly, Friendly metatag SEO, Link Building, build quality and original content only. However, bloggers are keen to improve SEO, SEO tricks that should make a significant impact on the performance of several search engines. The first donation, blogger berhaharap the continuous improvement of the Google PR on his blog. The SEO efforts is to reply to comments that fall into each of your blog posts.
    The existence of the comments you post articles that are fun, maybe if given a score to determine its value very difficult. As an expression of "what to bloggers, who have a good template, the article is up to date, but did not receive comments from visitors". As a solution to make the article adapted to visitors when they browse, and then you insert a blank piece of article. We recommend that if your post gets comments from visitors to your blog, with all the ability and the time you immediately reply to these comments. Why is that, because the answer to these remarks, honored guests and two-way communication is mutually beneficial, sometimes with the comments of children are today's visitors will visit your blog again, from her relationship with the SEO will increase your blog traffic , especially its Alexa Ranking or their advertisers want to advertise your blog. The results of course you can earn money by building a blog or are known as MAKE MONEY ONLINE

    To facilitate you in reply to a comment that went into your post quickly and directly placed under the post, how is such important information by embedding code in your blog. The following way:
    1. Please go to your blog dashboard.
    2. Click Go To Post List.
    3. Click the Template.
    4. Click the EDIT HTML and click Process.
    5. Make a mark on the Expand Widget Templates.
    6. Find the code <data:commentPostedByMsg/>  or you find code : <b:include data='comment'
        name='commentDeleteIcon'/>  then please copy and paste the script code below and please 
        place it just below the code that was sought, and then click Preview, if Ok Click SAVE

    note :
    In order for this script code can be run either on your blog. Further action is replace the code ID 9003367768992303294 blog with your own ID code blog.
    How you can take your property ID code blog? By the time you go to the dashboard of your blog, then please see its address bar, then copy and paste the code.

    To see a credible technique reply comment please visit :

    Manage the blog to be a blog faster search engine

    Manage the blog to be a faster blog search engine

    In this post I will explain how to manage a blog faster search engine. I write this critique, for sharing the super blogger friend from his own experience. Where in the younger age, more or less established since November 2011 and within 5 months Google has been awarded with the rank Google PR 2. At that time I have installed the Alexa Rank, because it does not know the purpose and benefits of the Alexa Rank. After blogwalking, it turns out I realized that the blog that we shall in the form of arguably even obliged to have Alexa Rank, when I plug my seinget Alex Rank widget value is 24 millions. In my heart I say "Wow terrific newly installed Alexa Rank was already given a value of 24 jt". A few days later I AHU that alexa rank, to assess a different blog with Google PR "because I was clueless about computers would smiling, as if ashamed of yourself".

    See the Alexa Rank so far, I am not disheartened, then how to do in order to quickly increase the Alexa Rank. Well this is the result of the fruits are working hard "to manage the blog to be a blog faster search engine". This post currently has a global Alexa Rank 1,216,912, and local  Alexa Rank 8.422. Inscription above only as an illustration, the future of this blog may have more value for the author himself or for super-blogger friend of all.

    I wrestle the world from the bloggers in November 2011 with all Traffic, I try to read and practice blogwalking sciences from the master and my record in order to be a friendly blog in searc engine (you try to test your browser by clicking with the phrase "blog faster search engine" then you click and see the result, the amount of 190.000.000  search website, within 0.21 seconds, this blog was on page 1 search engine result pages. For the beginner blogger like me and do not have the background skills relevant to the world of blogging, such an outcome already has its own value, and I always preview sreen to copy the data base in the future.
    I wrestle the world from the bloggers in November 2011 with all Traffic, I try to read and practice blogwalking sciences from the master and my record in order to be a friendly blog in searc engine (you try to test your browser by clicking with the phrase "blog faster search engine" ) then you click and see the result, the amount of 188 million search website, within 0.25 seconds, this blog was on page 1 search engine result pages. For the beginner blogger like me and do not have the background skills relevant to the world of blogging, such an outcome already has its own value, and I always preview sreen to copy the data base in the future.

    To make that blog indexed quickly search engine (faster blog search engine) to manage this blog I often do the experiment to apply the articles as long as I do blogwalking. This work is actually very memlelahkan and risks in the application if any of the blog can be messy (this I've ever felt, for my friend who want to try and increase their knowledge please experimented).

    1. Template
    We recommend that before you verify your blog to search engines, or for those of you who has verified the redesign, these actions will still run fine, but not too often change the template as it will affect the search engine to browse through your blog. Try to change the default template to the Template SEO Friendly. In the selection of templates that padasarnya depending on your taste, please fill out and look for a SEO Frienldy template.
    "(In this post I'm going to share experience on the selection of templates and how to combine SEO Friendly SEO Friendly with metatags, so it can work with maximum hasinya).  The SEO Friendly Templates which I mean
    the various features so that the template has a fast loading rate and well-liked search engine, the name of a great template has been tested and discussed stout bloggers and template name is B  SEO V2 blogger template. (continued metatag SEO Friendly name used, see the peeling number 3) for faster you want to have a blog search engine and try to please you dare to download B SEO V2 Blogger Template  let the maximum results for use in your blog, please browse to the owner here

    2. Keywords
    To blog indexed quickly search engine  (blog faster search engine), you should be able to determine the keywords for your blog. The selection of this blog is also very different for Blogger, Professional, Corporate. Usahankan every post you make is always the keywords that you aim to write and perform off page and on page linkbuilding linkbuilding. Do you know Philippine boca a 16-year world of web respected. Since there is no web master who can shift dibidiknya sites with keywords from google page rank search results. Dibidiknya go, because if you type in keywords when browsing the "Make Money Online" or if you see her blog click here. So before you traverse the world of blog you have to think to specify keywords that have relevance to the vision and mission of your blog, so simple, yet original content writing is not random.

    3. Complete metatags SEO Friendly for blogspot
    Take action to create metatags on your blog bakala releases and publications. Use complete metatag SEO Friendly super special blog. The point to be diaoptimalkan by search engines when searching with the keywords that you shoot. Metatag SEO friendly for many in the release by the master blogger and published in it can be copied and paste to support the newbie blog like this blog.

    4. Verify your blog to search engines. For those of you who feel you've done the above three exhausting job, now it's time for you to verify your blog every related search engine like: Google, Yahoo, Bing, Technorati. Be sure you take advantage of using Feedburner service, register your blog and optimize the settings. Take advantage of Google services Analitic to register your blog, you know the status sehinggan visitors to your blog in the eyes of viewers and in the future you can write and publish your writing is based on the quantity of visitors of your blog.

    5. Register your blog in Alexa
    Alexa widget and put your blog or connect the Alexa toolbar. The existence of your blog alexa widget and its value as a benchmark for the advertiser to advertise your blog. Or you try to sign up and infolink adsene google or any number of others.

    6. Content - Original
     If the blog you want to make money in the future, should perkayakan your blog with a lot of writing and publishing articles related to SEO, Tutoril Blogger, Blogger Tips, why is that?, Most likely present in the future many newbie. Well correlation many NEWBIE + BROWSING + CLICK MORE + INCOME (earn money on your blog) is looking for clues to optimize their blog. Certainly the presence of the newbie benefit blogs that publish content on a third. To enrich the content of blogs, just browsing to find a lot of articles talking about the crowds, trying to write with all the ability and style of language and publish your blog (do not forget the on page SEO and SEO offpage).

    7. Breadcrumb code faster indexed search engine (breadcrumb SEO friendly)
    Have preferred the title of the blog search engine must have been craving all bloggers, not how, now I want to ask you how would you feel if your blog post title and are in Page 1 Search Engine. You feel Proud, Satisfied, Very Satisfied, Nothing or ngak want to know. If I still feel proud of, is people using the internet not only nation, derby but the world really. To desire above you should also use the Breadcrumb SEO Friendly. You may ask emangnya there. Yes there is this blog and use it.

    How to install the profile photo on search engines

    How to install the profile photo on search engines 

    I will review the following tips on how to put a picture of the blog owner's profile in search engines. Appearance of the blog owner's profile picture in the search engines is a plus for owners because it can give information to the public about the profile of the author and also reflects the articles have been posted on the author or owner of the blog.
    The work to put a picture of the blog owner's profile in search engines were tricky, why is that because I myself have experienced it and even this is still guided tutorial from the master, so the complexity of even the google itself has stated that although the photos you've verified the results Rich Snippets Testing Tool, it turns out there are no guarantees to appear in google search results page. See from the picture next to the bottom line. there is the inscription:
    As for the stage to make it as follows:
    1. You must have an account Google_plus
    2. Now you step to create a text link that leads to a page + your Google Profile URL and do not forget 
        to embed the tag rel = "me" (remember only one tag only) in the link.
    3. Then please visit, 
        then you are asked to fill in your Google_plus ID and click Get the profile ID. Then you copy and paste the 
        code and place it in your side bar. 
    <script type="text/javascript"> window.___gcfg = {lang: 'en'}; (function () {var po = document.createElement ("script"); po.type = "text / javascript"; po . async = true; po.src = ""; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (<! - Place this tag where you want the badge to make -> po, s);}) () </ script> <g: plus href = " com/117864440240325495385" rel = "author "width =" 300 "height =" 69 "> </ g: added>
    Before you save. In order to verify my profile image, you must replace the ID in the script with ID 17864440240325495385 Google_plus you properly and replace text rel = "author" with rel = "me", results in the sidebar of your blog will see the badge + Google display your name.

    4. At this stage you please make your blog page ABOUT ME, its placement on the page can be
        static page or default page of post. To illustrate the pages you can see my page about me that I made 
        a standard posted on the post. After you finish making the page About Me
    At this stage you please make your blog page about me, its placement can be posted on the static or standard page heading. For example you can see the page about me on my blog that I put the default page of the post.
    After you finish creating the page about me then you keep serti normally.
         Now you save the page about me in the menu bar in the following way  :
           1. Login to your blogger dashboard.
           2. Click go to post.
           3. Click the Template
           4. Click on Edit HTML and then click Process, and do not forget to mark  a mark 
               Expand Widget Templates.
           5. If you want your About Me page on your blog HOME menu bar (use ctrl F to speed up the search).
               As an illustration you try to type the following code in the quick search : Home, because of my blog
               there are two menu bar, then the page about me my place   in the second bar, such as: ABOUT ME
           6. Go to About Me page to your blog then you copy and paste and put it in the menu bar you want.
           7. Then you click preview, and if there are no problems you need a few seconds to see the results,
              having managed to save you now.

    5. Now you have to make all of your articles related to About Me page. The way you just make a link 
        to the "About Me" in the menu, I also put a link on the menu (see picture above this article),
        then you must install the tag rel = "author" on the link. See my about me page.
    6. Now, please brows to the page you Google_plus here,  
        then you click Profile (side), then you click on Edit Profile, then click Contributors to, 
        and add a custom link you click (select a post that would be added and the boxed copy and paste 
        the "URL" and write your name on the box label "Label". (you choose for public consumption). 
        Then you save.

    Verification of Author 
    To find the job you are confused and display your profile picture : 
    1. Please verify by visiting the author to  Rich Snippets Testing Tool
    2. Type in a title of the article that you add custom links in the previous stage, so that the result will be perfect like the first picture of this diartikel.

    This only can I share to a friend of all, good luck.