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Function and Definitions Breadcrumb

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Function and Definitions  Breadcrumb

Definition or meaning or significance of the breadcrumb according to wikipedia is Breadcrumbs typically appear horizontally at the top of a web page, usually under the title bars or headers. Breadcrumbs provide links back to the previous page of each user to navigate between the link to get to the current page or master page of the current page. Breadcrumbs provide a trail for the user to follow back to the starting point or entry. A sign that is greater than (>) often serves as a hierarchy separator, although it can use other symbols (such as »or>), and a variety of graphs.
Breadcrumbs usually looks like this :Home page> Nama Kategori> Judul PostinganatauHome page: Nama Kategori: Judul Postingan

Function of the breadcrumb is a function of the breadcrumb on the blog is to know the position where the visitors are at page right now. With the breadcrumb, then the matter could more easily navigate the link. In addition, the breadcrumb is also very good for SEO blog, because it enriches the keywords in the post. This is evident from some blog posts kang asep sule that appear on the home page google, was also influenced by the presence of this breadcrumb.

To create a breadcrumb on blogspot, please go to the other post about how to create a breadcrumb on blogspot.

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